5th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistic (LDL-2016)
Managing, Building and Using Linked Language Resources
Co-located with LREC 2016
Portorož, Slovenia, 24th May 2016.
Since its establishment in 2012, the Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL) workshop series has become the major forum for presenting, discussing and disseminating technologies, vocabularies, resources and experiences regarding the application of Semantic Web standards and the Linked Open Data paradigm to language resources in order to facilitate their visibility, accessibility, interoperability, reusability, enrichment, combined evaluation and integration. The Linked Data in Linguistics workshop series is organized by the Open Linguistics Working Group of the Open Knowledge Foundation, and has contributed greatly to the development of the Linguistic Linked Open Data (LLOD) cloud. This workshop builds on the existing success of previous instances of this workshop over the last four years, firstly at the 34th Annual Conference of the German Linguistics Society (DGfS) in 2012, followed by a second appearance at the 6th Annual Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon (GLCON). In 2014, the workshop was held at the previous edition of LREC in Reykjavik, where we attracted a very large number of interested participants. Last year, the workshop was co-located with ACL-IJCNLP 2015 in Beijing, China.
Publishing language resources under open licenses and linking them together has been an area of increasing interest in academic circles, including applied linguistics, lexicography, natural language processing and information technology, and to facilitate exchange of knowledge and information across boundaries between disciplines as well as between academia and the IT business. By collocating the 5th edition of the workshop series with LREC, we encourage this interdisciplinary community to present and to discuss use cases, experiences, best practices, recommendations and technologies among each other and in interaction with the language resource community. We particularly invite contributions discussing the application of the Linked Open Data paradigm to linguistic data as it might provide an important step towards making linguistic data: i) easily and uniformly queryable, ii) interoperable and iii) sharable over the Web using open standards such as the HTTP protocol and the RDF data model. While it has been shown that linked data has significant value for the management of language resources in the Web, the practice is still far from being an accepted standard in the community. Thus it is important that we continue to push the development and adoption of linked data technologies among creators of language resources. In particular linked data’s ability to increase the quality, interoperability and availability of data on the Web has lead to us focus on managing, improving and using language resources on the Web as a key focus for this year’s workshop.
- John P. McCrae (National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland)
- Christian Chiarcos (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany)
- Elena Montiel Ponsoda (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
- Thierry Declerck (Saarland University, Germany)
- Petya Osenova (IICT-BAS, Bulgaria)
- Sebastian Hellmann (AKSW/KILT, Universität Leipzig, Germany)
Organizing Committee Support
- Julia Bosque-Gil (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
- Bettina Klimek (AKSW/KILT, Universität Leipzig, Germany)
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