Final Call for Papers: Computer-Mediated Communication and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities
27-28 September 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia
***Extended deadline: 15 June 2016***
Held in conjunction with 10th Language Technologies and Digital Humanities Conference
29 September – 1 October 2016
Ljubljana, Slovenia
The 4th conference CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities will be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 27 and 28th September 2016 and will focus on the collection, analysis and processing of computer-mediated communication, such as exchanges on social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), forum posts, news comments, wiki discussions and blog entries as well as e-mail, SMS, WhatsApp, YouTube and discussions in multimodal environments. The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers who are interested in the collection, organization, processing, analysis and sharing of CMC data for research purposes. We invite submissions on corpus analysis of various types of CMC data for linguistic or applied linguistic purposes and NLP.
The conference is co-located with the regional 10th conference on Language Technologies, this year extended with the topic of Digital Humanities, which will be held at the same venue from 29 September to 1 October. Delegates are therefore welcome to attend and/or submit to the main conference as well: 2016/en/
1. Development of CMC corpora
– Building CMC corpora: from data collection to publication
– Open data for research on CMC: questions of ethics and rights
– Annotation of CMC genres: representation of CMC genres, annotation of linguistic phenomena, metadata
– Multimodal corpora
2. Analysis of CMC corpora
– Sociolinguistic studies of CMC
– Discourse analysis of CMC
– Linguistic characteristics of CMC
– Multimodal aspects of CMC
– Language in contact and code-switching in CMC
– CMC in language learning & teaching
3. Natural Language Processing of CMC
– Normalization
– PoS Tagging
– Lemmatization
– Syntactic parsing
– Named-entity recognition
We invite submissions of papers in English, consisting of 2-4 pages in the LREC format. For templates and submission, please go to: http://cmc-corpora2016. The submitted papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The accepted papers will be published in on-line proceedings before the conference. After the conference, authors of best-reviewed papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers to be published in an edited monograph to appear in 2017.
15 June: extended submission deadline
1 July: notification of acceptance
1 September: submission of camera-ready version
27-28 September: conference
Darja Fišer (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Co-chair
Michael Beißwenger (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany), Co-chair
Thierry Chanier (Blaise Pascal University, France)
Isabella Chiari (Sapienca University of Rome, Italy)
Tomaž Erjavec (Jozef Stefan Instutute, Slovenia)
Axel Herold (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Germany)
Gudrun Ledegen (Rennes 2 University, France)
Lothar Lemnitzer (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Germany)
Nikola Ljubešić (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
Harald Lüngen (Institute for the German Language, Germany)
Maja Miličević (University of Belgrade, Serbia)
Amanda Potts (Cardiff University, Great Britain)
Céline Poudat (University of Nice, France)
Egon W. Stemle (EURAC, Italy)
Ciara R. Wigham (Lumière University Lyon 2, France)
Darja Fišer (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Chair
Jaka Čibej (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Simon Krek (Jozef Stefan Instutute, Slovenia)
Katja Zupan (Jozef Stefan Instutute, Slovenia)
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