TLT15: Call for Participation
15th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories
co-located workshop: Corpora in the Digital Humanities
Bloomington, IN
January 19-21 2017
TLT serves as a venue for new and ongoing research on the topic of linguistics and treebanks. The 15th edition of TLT will, for the first time, take place in the United States, at Indiana University, Bloomington, on 20-21 January 2017. There will be a pre-TLT co-located workshop on Corpora and the Digital Humanities (CDH), on 19 January.
In addition to peer-reviewed talks, there will be invited talks from James Pustejovsky (Brandeis University) and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe (The Ohio State University). There will also be a panel on Universal Dependencies, featuring William Croft, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, and Daniel Zeman. The full schedule for TLT15 is below.
TLT also features a co-located workshop on Corpora in the Digital Humanities (CDH) with invited speaker Arienne Dwyer (University of Kansas). Its schedule is also below.
For registration (early bird deadline: January 10), go to the TLT15 website:
For more information or questions, please contact or, for local information,
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TLT Program:
8:30am: Registration
9:00-9:10am: Welcome
9:10-10:10am: Invited Talk
Marie-Catherine de Marneffe: Universal Dependencies: The Good, the Bad, and the Potential
10:10-10:40am: Coffee break
10:40am-12:10pm: Universal Dependencies
William Croft, Dawn Nordquist, Katherine Looney and Michael Regan. Linguistic Typology Meets Universal Dependencies
Francis M. Tyers and Elena Badmaeva. A Dependency Treebank for Buryat
Teresa Lynn, Jennifer Foster and Mark Dras. Morphological Features of the Irish Universal Dependencies Treebank
12:10pm-1:30pm: Lunch break
1:30-3:00pm: Parsing
Miryam de Lhoneux, Sara Stymne and Joakim Nivre. Old School vs. New School: Comparing Transition-Based Parsers with and without Neural Network Enhancement
Jinho Choi. Deep Dependency Graph Conversion in English
Markus Dickinson and Amber Smith. Simulating Dependencies to Improve Parse Error Detection
3:00-3:30pm: Coffee break
3:30-5:30pm: Universal Dependencies Panel
William Croft, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Daniel Zeman
7:00pm: TLT dinner [Location TBA]
9:00-10:00am: Invited Talk
James Pustejovsky: Annotating Quantifier and Modal Scope Dependencies in Uniform Meaning Representations
10:00-11:00am: IU Showcase
Damir Cavar, Lwin Moe, Hai Hu. On the Free Linguistic Environment: Parsing and Corpus Annotation
Atreyee Mukherjee, Sandra Kübler and Matthias Scheutz. Creating POS Tagging and Dependency Parsing Experts via Topic Modeling
11:00-11:30am: Coffee break
11:30am-1:00pm: Searching
Alexandr Chernov, Erhard Hinrichs and Marie Hinrichs. Search Your Own Treebank
Daniël de Kok, Corina Dima, Jianqiang Ma and Erhard Hinrichs. Extracting a PP Attachment Data Set from a German Dependency Treebank Using Topological Fields
Eduard Bejček, Jan Hajič, Pavel Stranak and Zdenka Uresova. Extracting Verbal Multiword Data from Rich Treebank Annotation
1:00-1:15pm: Closing
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CDH Program:
9:15 – 9:30 Opening/Welcome
9:30 – 10:30 Invited Talk: Arienne Dwyer.
10:30 – 11:00 Ryder Wishart and Prokopis Prokopidis. Topic modelling experiments on Hellenistic corpora
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 – 12:00 James Pustejovsky, Nancy Ide, Marc Verhagen and Keith Suderman. Enhancing Access to Media Collections and Archives Using Computational Linguistic Tools
12:00 – 12:30 Olga Scrivner and Jefferson Davis. Interactive Text Mining Suite: Data Visualization for Literary Studies
12:30 – 2:00 Lunch break
2:00 – 2:30 Corina Dima, Jianqiang Ma, Sebastian Bücking, Frauke Buscher, Johanna Herdtfelder, Julia Lukassek, Anna Prysłopska, Erhard Hinrichs, Daniël De Kok and Claudia Maienborn. A Corpus-Based Model of Semantic Plausibility for German Bracketing Paradoxes
2:30 – 3:00 Julia Lavid. Annotating complex linguistic features in bilingual corpora: The case of MULTINOT
3:00 – 3:30 Gualberto Guzman, Joseph Ricard, Jacqueline Serigos, Barbara Bullock and Almeida Jacqueline Toribio. Moving code-switching research toward more empirically grounded methods
3:30 – 4:00 Laura Zweig, Can Liu, Misato Hiraga, Mandy Reed, Michael Czerniakowski, Markus Dickinson and Sandra Kübler. FunTube: Annotating Funniness in YouTube Comments
4:00 – 5:30 Demo / Poster Session / Coffee break
* Nancy Ide and James Pustejovsky. Demonstration: The Language Application Grid as a Platform for Digital Humanities Research
* Priyanka Suresh and Navjyoti Singh. Meta-data and Methodology: Standards in the digital archive
* Thierry Declerck. A Set of Annotations for supporting a TTS application for Folktales
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