[CfP] ALW1: 1st Workshop on Abusive Language Online (at ACL2017)

********************************************************** ALW1: 1st Workshop on Abusive Language Online to be held at ACL 2017 (Vancouver, Canada), August 3rd or 4th, 2017 Submission deadline: April 27, 2017 https://sites.google.com/site/abusivelanguageworkshop2017/ ********************************************************** Overview The last few years have seen a surge in abusive online behavior, with governments, social media platforms, and individuals struggling to cope with the consequences. Online forums, comment sections, and social media interaction in general have become a playground of bullying, scapegoating, and hate speech. These forms of online aggression not only poison the social climate of the communities that experience…

[JOB] Tenure-Track Instructor Position in Computational Linguistics in UBC, Vancouver.

The Department of Linguistics at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, invites applications for a tenure-track position in Computational Linguistics to begin July 1, 2017, with appointment at the rank of Instructor. The successful candidate should have a primary specialization in Computational Linguistics, with a demonstrated ability to teach courses in Computational Linguistics with knowledge in at least three of the following areas: computational morphology, computational pragmatics, computational semantics, syntax and parsing, machine learning, and machine translation. We especially encourage applicants who have experience combining insights from Computational Linguistics with…

[CfP] 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2017), Vancouver, Canada

The 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Vancouver, Canada – July 30-August 4, 2017 The Association for Computational Linguistics is pleased to announce that its 55th annual meeting will take place in Vancouver, Canada, July 30-August 4, 2017. The conference invites the submission of long and short papers on substantial, original, and unpublished research in all aspects of automated language processing. As in recent years, some of the presentations at the conference will be of papers accepted for the Transactions of the ACL journal (http://www.transacl.org/). ACL 2017 has the…