How ‘Flip’ Entered the Story of the Russia Investigation – Word’s history is tied to prosecutors, mobsters and novelists By Ben Zimmer Nov. 3, 2017 10:22 a.m. ET On Monday, court documents revealed that George Papadopoulos, a former foreign-policy adviser to Donald Trump, had entered into a plea agreement after his July arrest and had tried to cooperate with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. This promoted speculation that the Mueller team may have “flipped” Mr. Papadopoulos. As a HuffPost headline read about the investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign, “Robert Mueller Flipped…
Tag: slang
Green’s Dictionary of Slang Comes Online
Green’s Dictionary of Slang Comes Online By Jonathon Green Love the internet or see it as the devil’s playground, there’s one thing for which it seems the dream home: reference. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, all those thick, square tomes of yesteryear, in my case the three volumes that made up the 2010 print edition of Green’s Dictionary of Slang are surely over. The mighty OED, halfway through its revision, would currently need 40 volumes. It’s not going to happen, any more than I or any publisher would consider an expanded print version…
Aνοιχτός Ορίζοντας: Σλάνγκ! Εν πελλαμός
ΣΛΑΝΓΚ! Εν πελλαμός! (συνώνυμο: εν πόμπα!) Έχουν γίνει ήδη τα αποκαλυπτήρια του! Το cySlang ( είναι ένα πολυμεσικό διαδικτυακό λεξικό της κυπριακής αργκό, μίας από τις λιγότερο μελετημένες όψεις όχι μόνο της κυπριακής διαλέκτου, αλλά και ολόκληρης της ελληνικής γλώσσας. Όπως αναφέρουν και οι δημιουργοί του «η κυπριακή αργκό, που είναι στην πραγματικότητα μία εξαιρετικά πλούσια και δυναμική ποικιλία της ελληνικής γλώσσας, έχει αντιμετωπιστεί περίπου ως αόρατη: η διαπίστωση αυτή δεν προκύπτει μόνο από την απουσία σχετικών μελετών και/ή καταγραφής της γλωσσικής αυτής χρήσης στα λεξικά, αλλά και από το γεγονός…
The totes amazesh way millennials are changing the English language
The totes amazesh way millennials are changing the English language By Jeff Guo There’s a way that young people talk these days, and it’s totes hilars. You see it on Twitter a lot, people exclaiming about their totes delish spags or theirtotes redic boyfs. Linguists Lauren Spradlin and Taylor Jones call this practice “totesing” — the systematic abbreviation (“abbreviash”) of words to effect a certain tone. The fad might have started with “totally” becomingtotes, but at this point, no entry in the English lexicon is safe. The following are some real words produced by real human beings on Twitter: totes tradge (tragic): David Bowie dying is…