[Journal] Dialogue & Discourse, Vol8 No1 (2017) – Contents

Dialogue & Discourse Dialogue & Discourse (D&D) is the first international journal dedicated exclusively to work that deals with language “beyond the single sentence”, in discourse (i.e., text, monologue) and dialogue. The journal adopts an interdisciplinary perspective, accepting work from Linguistics, Computer Science, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, and other associated fields with an interest in formally, technically, empirically or experimentally rigorous approaches. We are committed to ensuring the highest editorial standards and rigorous peer-review of all submissions, while granting open access to all interested readers. Vol 8, No 1 (2017) : http://dad.uni-bielefeld.de/index.php/dad/issue/view/391…

Token: A Journal of English Linguistics

Token: A Journal of English Linguistics (ISSN 2299-5900, e-ISSN 2392-2087) Editors John G. Newman, University of Texas Rio Grande, Valley Marina Dossena, University of Bergamo, Sylwester Łodej, Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce. Token: A Journal of English Linguistics is an open-access journal which focuses on English linguistics in a broad sense: it accepts both diachronic and synchronic work, grammatical as well as lexical studies. Token publishes original research papers, and favors empirical, corpus-based research. Jan Kochanowski University (Kielce, Poland) publishes Token once annually, and all submissions are double-blind peer-reviewed. Publication is planned…