14th American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL) Conference, 20-22/09/2018, Atlanta, GA, USA

CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT 14th American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL) Conference, September 20-22, 2018 in Atlanta, GA The Department of Applied Linguistics and ESL (http://alsl.gsu.edu/) at Georgia State University (GSU) is excited to host the 14th Conference of the American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL), 20-22 September 2018 on the GSU main campus in downtown Atlanta, GA. Please mark your calendars! We are proud to have the following keynote speakers at AACL 2018: • Tony Berber Sardinha, Catholic University of São Paulo • Bethany Gray, Iowa State University • Stefan Gries, University…

Corpus Linguistics 2017 Conference & Summer School, Birmingham, UK 25-28 & 17-21/07

Registration for the Corpus Linguistics 2017 conference in Birmingham, 25th to 28th July, is now open. Earlybird registration is available until 30th April and late registration will be available until 30th of June. To register for the conference, visit the conference website at http://tinyurl.com/kgp3ta8 and click on the words ‘online shop’ in the first paragraph. The fee structure is as follows: Full fees Earlybird rate, 4 days: £300 (until 30 April 2017) Earlybird rate, 1 day: £80 (until 30 April 2017) Late registration, 4 days: £340 (between 1 May and…

9th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics, 3-6 July, Grenoble

9esJournées Internationales de Linguistique de Corpus (JLC2017)  **** English version below 3-6 juillet 2017, Grenoble Appel à communications https://jlc2017.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/ Lancées en 2001 par Geoffrey Williams à l’université de Lorient – Bretagne Sud, les Journées Internationales de Linguistique de Corpus (JLC) réunissent régulièrement la communauté interdisciplinaire dont l’objet de recherche porte sur les  corpus linguistiques. Après sept éditions, puis un passage à Orléans en 2015, elles s’installeront à Grenoble en juillet 2017. Elles sont organisées par le Laboratoire LIDILEM et soutenues par les équipes LIG, ILCEA4, Litt&Arts ainsi que la MSH-Alpes.…

[CfP] 9th annual international conference on corpus linguistics, Paris May 31-June 2, 2017

The Spanish association for corpus linguistics is holding the 9th annual international conference on corpus linguistics  in Paris May 31-June 2 2017. https://cilc2017.sciencesconf.org/ As part of AELINCO’s on-going programme of research activities and annual conferences, the broad aim of the CILC conferences is to provide language researchers an opportunity to present and communicate their work from a variety of corpus analysis perspectives, that is to say any research which attempts to account for attested language phenomena on the basis of empirical textual data. For CILC17, it has been decided that…