Dialogue & Discourse

Dialogue & Discourse (D&D) is the first international journal dedicated exclusively to work that deals with language “beyond the single sentence”, in discourse (i.e., text, monologue) and dialogue. The journal adopts an interdisciplinary perspective, accepting work from Linguistics, Computer Science, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, and other associated fields with an interest in formally, technically, empirically or experimentally rigorous approaches. We are committed to ensuring the highest editorial standards and rigorous peer-review of all submissions, while granting open access to all interested readers.
  • Non-Native Differences in Prosodic-Construction Use – Nigel G. Ward, Paola Gallardo
  • Training End-to-End Dialogue Systems with the Ubuntu Dialogue Corpus – Ryan Thomas Lowe, Nissan Pow, Iulian Vlad Serban, Laurent Charlin, Chia-Wei Liu, Joelle Pineau
  • A corpus-driven approach to discourse organisation: from cues to complex markers – Marie-Paule Péry-Woodley, Lydia-Mai Ho-Dac, Josette Rebeyrolle, Ludovic Tanguy, Fabre Cécile
  • A Psycholinguistic Model for the Marking of Discourse Relations – Frances Yung, Kevin Duh, Taku Komura, Yuji Matsumoto
More papers to come; the issue closes in June.
Your submissions to Dialogue & Discourse are also welcome!


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