Riga, Latvia, 14-25 August 2017
Grammatical Framework (GF) is a grammar formalism and a programming language for the development of multilingual computational grammars. It is based on the idea of a shared abstract syntax and mappings between the abstract syntax and concrete languages. GF grammars are bi-directional; however, they are particularly well suited for language generation.
What makes the development of GF application grammars rapid and flexible is the general-purpose GF resource grammar library which currently covers more than 30 languages implementing the same abstract syntax, a shared syntactic API. Compiled GF grammars can be embedded in applications written in other programming languages.
Among ongoing research projects, there are efforts to integrate GF with Universal Dependencies, FrameNet, Abstract Meaning Representation, and other syntactic and semantic models. Thus, the special theme for the fifth summer school: GF in a Full Stack of Language Technology.
Note that there are scholarships and travel grants available!
To apply for a scholarship and/or a travel grant, the deadline for registration and document submission is 30 April 2017. (Contact us in advance if you need a few days extension.)

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