Why cross reference is good for a translator’s health…

In a forum far far away removed from reality, users (I am polite by giving a plural here) decided to enlighten the rest of the Greek translation world by providing translation equivalencies en masse; everyday; every minute of the hour. So in a proud posting today under the Medical field they have entered the translation of “eluded” with “προϊόν έκλουσης“. So far everything is right EXCEPT that the text this person quotes states in English: “Add …”AW2 BUFFER” … and centrifugate at 14000 rpm … remove the eluded product“. The…

Noam Chomsky, BBC HardTalk 18/11/2009

    Noam Chomsky is one of the world’s most prominent and controversial public intellectuals. He is an internationally renowned professor of linguistics, but he is also a longstanding critic of US foreign policy and the influence of big business over the American government. Noam Chomsky told HARDtalk the war in Afghanistan is “immoral” He spoke to Stephen Sackur in a HARDtalk interview recorded on 3rd November 2009.

Teen Texting: Do You Know What The Codes Mean? Chicago Tribune 20/7/2009

By Mandy Murphey KPC stands for keeping parents clueless. Apparently most parents are clueless when it comes to understanding their teenagers text messages. It is a sign of the times. Teens use slang and acronyms to keep parents in the dark. A recent study in USA Today found the messages that are being sent and received are risque and often an avenue for trouble. The national Center for Missing and Exploited Children conducted the study and found that one in five teens has sexted.