Search Solutions is the BCS Information Retrieval Specialist Group’s annual event focused on practitioner issues in the arena of search and information retrieval. We invite proposals which focus on any area of the practical application of search technologies to real world problems, for the tutorial day due to take place the day before Search Solutions 2016. Tutorials in previous years have included: designing usability for search, multimedia information retrieval, Evaluating and designing Search, City Search in SmartCities and Text analysis. Examples of previous tutorials can be found here:

Proposals for both full day (7 hours) and half day (3.5 hours) proposals are invited. These will take place on Tuesday 29th November 2016 at the BCS offices in Covent Garden.

Proposal submission
Tutorial proposals should be submitted to the panel chair ( by Friday 24th June 2015 @ 12noon GMT, using the following template:
•       Name of presenter(s): please list the names and affiliations of presenter(s).
•       Title: title of the tutorial.
•       Contact details: email and snail mail address, phone numbers etc.
•       Type of tutorial: half day or full day.
•       Tutorial Abstract: for publicity.
•       Target audience: please outline the practitioner audience to be addressed.
•       Learning outcomes: what would the practitioners gain from attending this tutorial?
•       Outline of tutorial: provide the overall structure and subjects to be presented.
•       Tutorial description: provide a detailed description of the tutorial and its content.
•       Tutorial logistics/materials: media and formats for tutorial. What will be provided to attendees (e.g. slides).
•       Bio of presenter(s): including track record of presenting tutorials, lecturing experience etc. (200/300 words)

Selection Procedure
All tutorial proposals will be peer reviewed by the panel and approved by the organising committee. The selection criteria will focus on the quality of the tutorial content and the appropriateness of it to the main theme of search solutions – namely practitioner issues.

Honorarium and other issues
Depending on the number of attendees, presenters will receive an Honorarium. All travel and accommodation expenses must be met by the presenters themselves. The organising committee of Search Solutions reserve the right to cancel tutorials unless a minimum of four participants have registered.

Dr A. MacFarlane, City University London (Chair)
Dr M. Oakes, University of Wolverhampton
Prof. I. Cox, University College London


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